Not all blog posts are created equal. As marketers and business owners we must always strive to provide value by educating, entertaining, and engaging our readers. Killer blog posts speak directly to our audience’s interests and needs, with a distinctive voice that makes an emotional connection and compels them to share our articles as well. Whether content is original or curated, it’s important to understand the driving forces behind what and how people share. This infograph from explains it in detail.

7 Secrets of a Killer Blog Post Content

Key Takeaways:

  • People will want to feel that you’re an authority. Focusing on your specific areas of expertise is a good way to establish credibility in their minds.
  • Listen to your audience. You can provide real value if you make a list of questions customers have asked and create individual posts answering each of them. If your customers have these questions, there’s a good chance that others in your target audience have the same ones.
  • Original content will help drive conversions. Keep your audience top of mind and make your articles simple, scannable, and useful.
  • If you’re sharing curated content, make sure it’s on brand and will help build your authority, not that of someone else.
  • Readers notice spelling and grammar. Common errors like using “you’re” instead of “your” will confuse and interrupt readers. Spell check your articles and read them out loud or ask someone else to proofread before you publish.
  • Be consistent visually and verbally. Each article should have the same tone, and use the same fonts and colors so readers can easily recognize your style.
  • To avoid any lulls, plan out content for up to 30 days with an editorial calendar. Think of ways to incorporate new topics that will connect with your audience.

If you’re not getting much engagement from your blog posts, these points may help you connect with readers. Consider digging deeper into your expertise and thinking about what your audience wants and needs. Posts that answer their questions will be most relevant, useful and sharable. If you’d like some help mapping out your blogging strategy, please contact us.